Welcome to October, friends! Today I share my top five October activities. October is arguably my favorite month of the year. It’s a welcome change of pace after the hot, humid days of late summer. Finally, we can get back outside and enjoy ourselves without being covered in sweat and mosquitos.
If you haven’t finished my September Activities checklist, it’s not too late! All of those activities can be October activities too! That’s the beauty of fall…it’s so flexible (I realize that doesn’t actually make sense, but just go with it!).
For more fall fun ideas, check out my Fall Family Activities At Home post from a few weeks ago.

October Activities
1. Visit A Pumpkin Patch
Nothing is more “October” than a pumpkin patch. Sure, you can get pumpins at any grocery store this time of year, but there is something special about getting out on a crisp October day…hopping on a hayride into a field…picking the perfect pumpkin…then finishing the adventure with some apple cider.
For anyone looking for a pumpkin patch in Evansville, IN we love Goebel Farms and Mayse Farm Market.
2. Decorate Pumpkins
So, you went to the pumpkin patch and bought all those pumpkins, now what? Easy. Now it’s time for decorating!! There are so many ways to decorate a pumpkin…carving, paint, stickers, etc.
I have a post that talks all about pumpkin decorating. You can check that out here!
3. Check Out A Haunted House
This is the only activity on my list of October Activities that we haven’t done as a family yet. My kids are 5 and 3, so I am not sure a spooky haunted house is in the cards for us. However, some of the hauted houses in our area have “no scare” times, usually before it gets dark, for younger kids. We may give those a try.
Even though I haven’t taken my kids just yet, I have fond memories of going to haunted houses with my friends and families when I was younger.
4. Jump In A Pile Of Leaves
No explanation needed, just go rake up a bunch of leave into a pile then jump in.
Pro tip: Use a leaf blower intead of a rake. Works much faster =)
5. Make Spooky Snacks
I love a themed snack. Not only are they cute (most of the time), but they are so much fun to make!
I have a spooky snack post on my blog outlining the details of how to make a few of my favorite Halloween treats. You can check that out here.
If those don’t turn your crank you can find a million more ideas on Pinterest! Just type in “Halloween Snacks” or “Spooky Snacks” into the search bar and all the inspiration you could ever desire will be presented to you.
We did #1 today, probably #4 tomorrow, and will do #5 this week for spooky birthday party snacks! So fun!
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