Hi, Friends! Welcome back! Today I want to talk about those days you find yourself in a funk. You know, those days where you wake up and you can’t quite figure out why you are in a bad mood? Maybe your significant other said something rude to you in a dream and you are still mad about it when you wake up (this happens to you too, right?)? Maybe you pressed snooze one too many times and it feels like you can’t quite catch up no matter how much you hurry? Is it one of those days where no matter what you do, it’s always wrong?

Okay, so we are in a bad mood, now what? Let’s talk about how to be happy. I know, I know, it sounds a little weird to say it out loud. I mean, who wants to admit that they don’t know how to be happy? Sure, it’s easy to be happy when everything is sunshine and rainbows, but what about when they aren’t?
Happiness is a choice. We have to make the decision to be happy each and every day. I struggle with this a little bit because if I am being totally honest, I am at my funniest when my life is spiraling…but that is generally the only good thing that comes from a good, bad day!
The goal here is to recognize the bad mood then make a conscious decision to change it. This may feel like a “David vs. Goliath” type of situation, but I assure you it is easier than you think. I have listed for you a few of my favorite ways to beat a bad mood.
20 Ways to be Happier Right Now!
- Buy Yourself Flowers: Who ever said you had to wait for someone to buy you flowers? I have gotten in the habit of buying myself flowers each time I am at the grocery store. Why not? They are fairly inexpensive and they just brighten my mood.
- Go to Target: I think it is physically impossible to stay in a bad mood at Target. Grab yourself a coffee, walk up and down each aisle and just take it in.
- Check something off of your to-do list: Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, pumps me up more than getting things done!
- Light a candle: Relaxation with a wick.
- Treat yourself to a Manicure/Pedicure: Taking an hour to make yourself feel beautiful goes a long way.
- Headspace: Find a comfortable spot to sit/lay and listen to a 10 minute session. It will help clear your mind and clear your bad mood! I talk a little bit more about using Headspace here.
- Music: Put on music that reminds you of a happy time in your life.
- Grab your favorite Starbucks coffee: Mine is a white chocolate mocha, in case you need a suggestion =)
- Go for a walk: A nice long walk is a great way to reset and appreciate all that life has to offer.
- Exercise: Hit the gym! Exercise produces endorphins, which are natural mood boosters.
- Read: Take a mental vacation into another world through your favorite book.
- Say aloud 5 things good that have happened today: Gratitude has been linked to so many health-positive things. Read more about the importance of gratitude here.
- Reach out to a friend and ask how his/her day is going: It will improve your mood to know you made someone you care about feel loved.
- Treat yourself to your favorite dessert: I’ve never met a sweet that didn’t brighten my day!
- A bubble bath and a face mask: This combination can fix so many things!
- Sit outside and listen to the sounds of nature 10-15 minutes: There is so much to appreciate if you just take a few minutes to notice.
- Make your bed: Making your bed instantly polishes your room, which may just polish your attitude!
- Podcast: Tune into one of your favorite podcasts to help distract you.
- Snuggle with one of your pets: It is scientifically proven that cuddling with pets lower stress levels – Google it!
- Pay someone an unexpected compliment: Bringing happiness to someone else will bring happiness to you!

I hope you found this list to be helpful. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but more to use as a guide to get your gears turning. There is no right or wrong way to be happy (however, there are illegal ways to be happy – DON’T DO THOSE!). The most important thing is to CHOOSE HAPPY!
Until next time!
Great tips to show yourself some love!
Thank you!!
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