Spring Bucket List: 15 Reasons To Be Excited About Spring

Spring Bucket List: 15 Reasons To Be Excited About Spring

I don’t know about you, but I have been longing for Spring since…well, last Spring! I’ve compiled a list of things I am super excited about doing this Spring and titled it my Spring bucket list.  However, this is not a typical bucket list where the items listed will appeal to most people.  In fact, this may not appeal to anyone (doubtful, but possible).  This is my personal Spring bucket list, the things I have been looking forward to for months. 

My hope is for you to find a little Spring inspiration that you can take and apply at your home with your family.  If not, that’s cool too, but I hope you stick around and follow along with our Springtime adventures!

Spring Bucket list

Spring Bucket List

15 Reason I Am Excited About Spring

1. Outside

Just being able to enjoy the outdoors is a gamechanger for me.  Witnessing everything wake up for Spring is just a bonus!

My mood seems to be directly related to the amount of time I spend outside.  You can find more ways to boost your mood here

2. Bare Feet

Here are Our Lively Adventures, we are barefoot folks.  Always have been, probably always will be.  No real reason other than I just always seem to find myself outside without shoes.  It just happens. 

However, because I never have on shoes, my feet require a little extra attention to look…um, ladylike.  In college, a guy told me I have “Fred Flinstone feet,” and, well, he wasn’t wrong. I couldn’t live without using this or this on the regular.  

3. Spring Garden

I cannot wait to get my hands in the soil and start growing things.  In fact, I already have seeds started inside and a few cool weather veggies growing in my raised beds outside. 

Check out “Vegetable Gardening For Beginners” if you are interested in getting started on your gardening adventure.  

4. Flowers

I never would have thought I would be so flower obsessed, but here we are…

I want to have every color of the rainbow in flowers this growing season.  During the colder months, when things aren’t in bloom, I like to treat myself to fresh flowers from the grocery store.  My dream would be to have a constant flow of fresh-cut flowers coming into my home.  

Spring Daffodils

5. Fairy Gardens

A serious Spring bucket list item is creating a fairy garden. My daughter, Reese, is in love with all things Barbie and I am in love with all things plants (it sounds weird to say it out loud, but again, here we are!).  In an attempt to combine our two interests, I am going to put together a gorgeous fairy garden.  The plan is to set up a beautiful fairy village amongst gorgeous plants.  In my mind the visual is downright precious, so fingers crossed I can pull it off.  

6. Lawn Games

Now that Wyatt and Reese are a bit older, they are a little more competitive, which makes playing games together as a family so much more fun.

We love playing board games, but I want to start introducing a few outdoor games/lawn games that we can enjoy together.  Happiness is Homemade has this post with the most creative DIY backyard games.  I can’t wait to try a few of them!

7. Butterfly Garden

I purchased this butterfly garden kit the other day.  I think my kids (and me, too) are going to love watching the caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies.  The kit comes with everything we will need.  Super pumped about this one.  Check out my Instagram to follow along on our butterfly garden adventure.  

* We loved the Butterfly Garden Kit!  Read all about it HERE*

8. Trampoline Sprinkler

We bought this trampoline sprinkler last year and it was a huge hit.  I can’t wait to play in it again this year! 

*Check out these fun Trampoline Accessories*

9. Decorating The Playset

My husband built this amazing play structure in our backyard last summer.  It is awesome and the kids love playing on it.

This Spring I want to add a few extra touches here and there.  I am thinking a few hayracks with flowers, perhaps a cool light fixture, and maybe a few more activity accessories.  I purchased this telescope that still needs to be installed, but I am hoping to add even more.  

10. New Wardrobe

It appears that at some point between the last time I purchased new clothes (honestly, could be 2019) and today that the trends have changed.  I struggle with the thought of giving up my skinny jeans, but have recently become open to the idea of straight-leg jeans. 

I am going into this Spring season with the intention of giving my wardrobe a grown-up overhaul.  Dressing for the body I have rather than wearing old clothes until I have the body I want is the new plan.  I recently started following Erin of cottonstem.com (love her, btw) and she introduced me to this idea of wardrobe capsules.  In short, it is having 10-15 pieces of clothing that can mix and match to make several different outfits.  I’ll keep you updated on how it goes. 

11. Cooking From Scratch

Cooking from scratch isn’t really a new concept for me, but it is something I want to focus on this Spring.  My Spring/Summer garden produces ingredients, so I want to learn how to use those ingredients to make delicious meals.

My approach is to start with a few meals that are staples in our dinner rotation (i.e. pizza, spaghetti, & chicken nuggets) and perfect those.  I’d love to eliminate the need to buy those from the store.  

12. Farmers Markets

Cooking from scratch transitions nicely into my next Spring bucket list item and that is to shop at Farmer’s Markets.  Sure, I will be producing a lot of fruits and veggies myself, but not enough to sustain us through the summer.  Along with cooking from scratch, I want to learn how to cook seasonally, which means focusing on ingredients that are in-season.  

13. Spring Cleaning

I’ve got a real minimalist attitude heading into Spring.  I want to take after my closets (i.e. capsule wardrobe) and my basement.  Why do we have boxes and boxes of things we haven’t opened since we moved here (note: we have lived here for 5 years).  

14. Berry Picking

I love going berry picking with my kiddos.  For us, strawberries season is May, and blueberry season is late June (June is technically Summer, but I’ll let it slide for the sake of this list).  

Wyatt Blueberry Picking

15. Quick Trips

Life is slowly getting back to normal, and by normal I mean how life was pre-covid.  I am really hoping we will be able to squeeze in a few quick trips this Spring.  I have a list of several places that are nearby-ish that would make great day trips and/or weekend getaways.  Fingers crossed these work out because I am ready for an adventure!

*If you live near Evansville, IN, here are a few places within 2 hours’ driving distance HERE*

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