Today’s post is about quotes, specifically quotes to live by in 2020, but I first want to take a few minutes to touch base on the holiday season. I hope you are Merry and Bright and filled with Christmas Cheer! I know this time of year can be stressful, busy, and overwhelming – TRUST ME, I really get it! My reminder to you (and also to myself) is to try your darndest to take time to enjoy the spirit of the holiday. Now, this will mean different things for everyone. For me, I am going (or at least going to try) to take time each each night to just sit in my quiet living room with just the light of the Christmas tree. The stillness is magical. A sense of calm usually comes over me and wonderful Christmas memories come flooding in. (sigh).
If you still have a little Christmas shopping to do, check out the two gift guides I created, Gift Guide for Kids and Gifts Under $20. I wish I had created more, but time got the best of me. I will be better prepared for Christmas 2020 (fingers crossed).
Today I am sharing quotes to live by in 2020. As most of you know, I love quotes. I know that most of you love quotes as well since Quotes for Anxiety continues to be, BY FAR, my most read blog post. Like, leaps and bounds above all the other ones. I get it, I’m a quote lover too, so I thought “Hey, let’s give the people what they want and share some quotes to live by!”
Why do we love quotes?
Why do we love quotes? There is probably a scientific reason why people are drawn to quotes. My unscientific thoughts on the subject are that quotes make people feel understood, heard, and well, sane.
For example, sometimes I ask people a question on a particular subject “just to make sure I’m not crazy.” Do you do that? I think quotes are that person sometimes, the person to tell us we aren’t crazy.
Again, this is my completely unscientific and unresearched explanation. Feel free to provide actual scientific evidence in the comments.
Another quote post?
Okay, so other than people loving quotes, why write about quotes to live by for 2020?
Well, since I sort of missed the boat on Christmas posts (who knew I was supposed to be blogging about Christmas in October?) I thought I’d get a jump on the New Year.
I want this blog post to read as a vision board of sorts – my 2020 mindset described through quotes. I am entering 2020 with a positive attitude, as someone who seeks out fun and adventure, as someone who spends as much time with her family as possible, and as someone who works toward being as strong, both mentally and physically.
What did I learn in 2019?
2019 was a real doozy. It started off pretty good – everyone happy & healthy – then things took a steep nose dive. Like, really steep. I write about it in more detail here, but just wasn’t great. Thankfully, things started to pick back up in early summer and have maintained that upward trajectory ever since. While I wouldn’t choose to relive the low points of 2019, I am thankful for them. I know, I know – I’m a walking, talking cliche these days! Just hear me out and then you can roll your eyes!
2019 taught me that…
- I have an amazing support system – It was “all hands on deck” and there were a lot of hands available to help. My husband, mom, and mother-in-law picked up everything I couldn’t carry. Friends, family, and some people I didn’t even know would call to check in on me, bring me meals, and pray for me, just to name a few of the ways I was supported. It was really amazing and greatly, GREATLY appreciated!
- Attitude is everything. Truly.
- There is power in positive thinking. Intentionally thinking of positive things can almost instantly change a bad mood.
- It is so important to take time for yourself to do things you enjoy. Enter my new found love of gardening.
- Asking for help is okay. I like to think I can do it all, but I can’t.
- Checking in on friends and family is important. It meant the world that people checked in on me, and still continue to do so. I now make sure I do the same for those I care about.
Quotes to live by in 2020

There you have it, my quotes to live by in 2020. I am excited to see what the new year brings.
I hope everyone has or had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Until next time,