26 Affirmations For Parents: How To Create Healthy Habits

26 Affirmations For Parents: How To Create Healthy Habits

Hi there! Today I want to share and discuss affirmations for parents.  What are they, how do they work, and how can they be used to create healthy habits.  


What Are Affirmations?

What are affirmations? Affirmations are positive statements used to combat negative thinking or

negative self-talk. I read that affirmations were exercises for the mind. Repeating the affirmations is training your mind to believe certain things to be true, just as physical exercise trains your muscles.

As someone who suffers from intrusive thoughts, I use positive thoughts to defend against them.  Anytime I experience an unwanted, intrusive thought I immediately combat it with 3 positive thoughts.  So, for me, affirmations are sort of like playing offense against the negative thoughts.  Stopping them in their tracks before they even make it to your mind.

The idea behind affirmations is that once you can convince your subconscious mind to believe
something is true or possible, then your belief can become reality.  Use affirmations anywhere you would like to see a positive change.  The thing with affirmations is, you have to believe in the process even though you don’t feel it in the moment.  

As parents, I think we can all agree – this gig is hard!! We are tired, stressed, and overwhelmed all while feeling this insane pressure to savor and enjoy every single moment of every single day.  Recently I have found myself unmotivated, easily frustrated, and just in an all-around funky mood.  

In an effort to change my mindset and reset my way of thinking I compiled a list of affirmations for parents.  It is my hope that these affirmations will help you on your parenting journey too!


Affirmations For Parents

Affirmation Guidelines

  • Begin with the words “I am” as they are extremely powerful.
  • Use the present tense.
  • State it positively.  Do not talk or think about what you don’t want (avoid using the word “not”).
  • Keep it simple, brief, and specific.
  • Try to include gratitude.
  • Include at least one dynamic emotion or feeling word.
  • Affirmations should be about oneself and not others.
  • Repeat several times a day.

Affirmations For Parents

  1. I am willing to learn and grow.
  2. I have patience when I need it most.
  3. My children feel safe and cared for by me.
  4. I am a good role model for my children.
  5. I am confident and growing as a parent.
  6. I am doing the best I can for my child.
  7. I love my children exactly as they are.
  8. I am grateful for the resources that continue to show up to help me be a great parent.
  9. I support others in doing what is correct for them and their children.
  10. Dinner is an enjoyable experience we all look forward to.
  11. Life is good in my family.
  12. I am a good role model to my children on how to take care of my body.
  13. I teach my children to love and respect their bodies.
  14. Our home is a place of peace. 
  15. I know how to support their true natures by giving them jobs they can accomplish easily.
  16. We have a lot of fun in our home.
  17. We are making fond memories with the activities we enjoy in our home.
  18. I love the traditions we have that support our day-to-day and holiday experiences
  19. I act in a way that shows respect for my children
  20. I have patience.
  21. I always speak to my child in a loving tone of voice.
  22. My children feel safe and honored by me.
  23. I validate my child’s feelings.
  24. I listen to understand.
  25. I am the best mom for my children.
  26. I love being a mom.

More Affirmations & Quotes

This Post Has 8 Comments

    1. Julie

      Thank you!

  1. Audrey

    I love you so much I’m a huge fan of affirmations!

  2. Audrey

    I love these so much, I’m a huge fan of affirmations!

    1. Julie

      Thank you for reading!

    1. Julie

      Thank you! and yes!!

  3. Danielle

    I love these affirmations. They’re so important to tell yourself and know!

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