The Steve Harvey 300 Wishlist Challenge

The Steve Harvey 300 Wishlist Challenge

Hi, friends!! Happy New Year!! Our New Year’s Eve was pretty low-key this year.  Hung out at home with the kids and was in bed before midnight.  We had a loose plan of trying fondue together as a family, but the universe had other plans for us. 

There was a huge fire that started in a warehouse locally.  It was so big that it required my husband and a bunch of other firefighters to be called into work on their off day.  You can read more about the gigantic fire HERE.  Honestly, I’ve never seen anything quite like it.  

Anyway, back to New Year’s Day talk.  A few days ago I heard a clip on social media that was Steve Harvey talking about this 300 wishlist challenge.  I kept on scrolling.  

A few hours later I was still thinking about that darn Steve Harvey clip.  Weird.  So, I googled “Steve Harvey 300 things” and found a YouTube clip of his whole motivational speech.   I watched it, I loved it.  

It’s funny how sometimes things cross your pass exactly when you need to see them. Even though this clip is from 2019 I needed to see this clip in December 2022.  So now here we are on January 1, 2023 starting the Steve Harvey 300 Wishlist challenge and couldn’t be more excited to see what this year has in store for me! 

Steve Harvey 300 Wishlist Challenge

In this video, Steve challenges everyone to write down 300 things.  The key is writing down everything you want.  Be as detailed as possible. Do not stop until you get to 300 things.   He says once you get to 75 you are going to get stuck and that’s because your mind isn’t conditioned to think so big.

Read it every morning and every night.  In 1 year, start marking the things off your list that have happened or have been completed.  That’s it. That’s all other is to it! 

Now, I don’t think I can wait a whole entire year to start crossing things off.  I want to cross things off as soon as they happen, at least for the tangible items on the list.  

Things To Think About When You Are Making Your List

I started my list yesterday.  Started being the operative word.  I knew 300 things would be a lot of things to come up with, but DANG! It is way tougher than I thought.  

I have added to my list off and on throughout the day today and I’m still only at 100 things.  I have a pretty journal I am writing everything down in.  I plan on keeping on my bedside table to make it easier to incorporate into my morning and bedtime routines.  

Some things to think about when you are making your list…

  • Career goals
  • Personal Goals
  • Education goals
  • Financial goals
  • Fitness goals
  • Spiritual goals
  • Materialistic Items
  • Vacations
  • Opportunities/ Experiences
  • Giving/Charitable gifts
  • Business ideas 
  • Family traditions 
  • Dreams/Bucket List Items

Nothing is too small, too big, too silly, or too serious. 

This exercise has been eye-opening and I’m not even finished yet! I’m excited to see how my list ebbs and flows as I move closer to the 300th item.  

Let me know in the comments below if you have completed this challenge before or are wanting to accept the Steve Harvey 300 Wishlist Challenge today!  

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Gwen

    I heard/saw this clip back in November/December 2022 and it has been on my mind periodically since then. I found it and reviewed it again today. I am going to do this. I believe and trust God to help me along the way. I am all in!

    1. Julie

      You got this!! Let me know how it goes!

  2. Gwen

    On it!!!!

  3. Michelle gold

    I’m a huge fan of Steve Harvey and I’ve always been fascinated by that scripture about writing down the vision. I have seen it make a difference. I have also seen studies that show people who write down their dreams and visions are 80 percent more likely to achieve them.

    On the flip side, soemtimes we need wisdom and informal education.

    I’d say when it comes to finances, God sent me a great program (Dave while living in TN called financial peace university (10 classes I think) At the time I had a very strong prayer life and was a missionary. But I could have never had those things without the training and understanding.

    God also gave me a Life changing free program to help me overcome with my abusive upbringing and learning how to have relationships. (

    Being financially and emotionally wise is key. Could I have learned all that it with the used version of the book on Amazon? Maybe. But The concepts were powerful in a group setting.

    Lastly if you educate yourself and have no God, no prayer and don’t write down the vision, we will perish or die inside. So to agree w Steve, WITHOUT asking God, the mission will fail. I am 100 percent relying on Him for every gain.

    My ultimate conclusion
    Educate yourself plus reliance on God who is the dream giver equals success.

  4. Michelle gold

    I’m a huge fan of Steve Harvey and I’ve always been fascinated by that scripture about writing down the vision. I have seen it make a difference. I have also seen studies that show people who write down their dreams and visions are 80 percent more likely to achieve them.

    On the flip side, sometimes we need wisdom and informal education.

    I’d say when it comes to finances, God sent me a great program (Dave Ramsey dot com) while living in TN called financial peace university (10 classes I think)

    At the time I had a very strong prayer life and was a missionary. But I could have never had those things without the training and understanding. Book is called total money makeover by Dave Ramsey and it’s a how to get Rich slowly book.

    God also gave me a Life changing free program to help me overcome with my abusive upbringing and learning how to have relationships. (Www.Al-Anon dot org.
    Being financially and emotionally wise is key. Could I have learned all that it with the used version of the book on Amazon? Maybe. But The concepts were powerful in a group setting.

    Lastly if you educate yourself and have no God, no prayer and don’t write down the vision, we will perish or die inside. So to agree w Steve, WITHOUT asking God, the mission will fail. I am 100 percent relying on Him for every gain.

    My ultimate conclusion
    Educate yourself plus reliance on God who is the dream giver equals success.

  5. Jamie

    So I have decided to accept the Steve Harvey 300 Challenge. Wish me Luck I will keep you Up dated.

  6. Shakita

    This is going to be a challenge, but I’m up for it. It’s a lot of thing I want God to bless with me if it’s his will. I will be adding everything on my list.

  7. Brittany

    I have decided to accept the 300 wishlist challenge.

  8. Kr3ative K

    I saw this a while back and decided to Start my list. However, it took me a while to finish it. I am currently in the process of finishing my list right now. I ran across your article when searching of some techniques to complete the list. I want to tell you thank you for sharing. It definitely opened my mind to looking at the list in a different way. Best Wishes to you and your list.

  9. Keshonna

    so i have decided to accept the Steve Harvey 300 wishlist Challenge.

  10. Stephie Lee

    Being a liver and believer of The Secret, this challenge fits. Steve is a funny man and a king of comedy but man is he brilliant and definitely knows how to get you to listen. I’m in on this challenge. Lord help me

  11. Shalaina P.

    Thank you for your article. I have excepted the 300 Wishlist Challenge and pray all the desires of my heart come true. Thank you for the Steve Harvey clip as well! Thank you all mighty!! I pray we all are happy and successful with all that we want. “Therefore I say unto you whatever things ye desire, believe and pray and ye shall receive.”

    Blessings xoxox

  12. Mary M.

    I accept the Steve Harvey 300 wishlist challenge

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