Recipe Review – October

Recipe Review – October

Recipe Review

I have been busy in the kitchen the past few weeks.  I love finding and trying new recipes (Hi, follow me on Pinterest), but I get so frustrated when I get a hold of a dud.  All the time and money spent on something that doesn’t even taste good – ugh, there is nothing more annoying! I suppose one could argue that without the bad you can’t appreciate the good, but we can save that debate for another post.

Anyway, It feels GREAT to stumble upon a good recipe, so I thought it would be fun to share my recipe experiment success stories in a monthly “recipe review.”  I’m not in the bad-mouthing business, I am only going to write about the recipes I loved and will be adding into the recipe rotation.    

*Disclaimer: I am new to the blogging world and not positive on proper etiquette when referencing another blog or using pictures from another blog.  I am in no way trying to claim these photos or these recipes as my own.  

Recipe Review: Blueberry Banana Pancakes

Photo: The Crumby Kitchen

As most of you know, my family and I went on an adventure to the Blueberry patch this summer.  (If you missed that post, check it out here!)  Since that trip left me up to my ears in fresh blueberries I have been on a mission to try out new recipes that include  blueberries.  Which brings me to these little babies, Blueberry Banana Pancakes from the Crumby Kitchen.  O-M-G these were delicious!  I made them exactly as the recipe was written and they have become my favorite made-from-scratch pancake!  My kids aren’t into blueberries “inside” of things (I know, it makes absolutely no sense, but that’s kids for you), so for them I substituted the blueberries for chocolate chips and they were equally as wonderful. 

Recipe Review: Amazing Chocolate Cake

Ever just get a hankering for something sweet?  Me too!  On Friday afternoon I got the urge to make something sweet, so I proceeded to make this Amazing Chocolate Cake by The Stay At Home Chef.  Now, I have tried a few different cake recipes and every single time after making them I always conclude that boxed cake mixes just taste better (and are so much easier). Well, NOT ANYMORE! I now officially have a go-to chocolate cake from scratch recipe.  Hear me when I say: IT WAS SO GOOD!  The only thing I did differently than the recipe states is use half unsweetened cocoa powder and half unsweetened dark chocolate cocoa powder because that’s all I had, but I can’t imagine it changing THAT much. 


Chocolate Cake Recipe
Photo: The Stay at Home Chef

I actually threw half of this cake away after a few days because I just didn’t trust myself with it in the house anymore.  I already have to unbutton my pants at my desk and eating an entire chocolate cake would not have made matters any better. 

Recipe Review: Unstuffed Mushrooms

Photo: SkinnyTaste

Figuring out dinner every night is exhausting.  I am always trying to find something new.  I get really excited when I find new side dishes because my kids only eat 4 different things (chicken, peanut butter & jelly, grilled cheese, macaroni & cheese (Reese, not Wyatt), & hot dogs (Wyatt, not Reese ) and I need new sides to go with those 4 (sort of 5) things.  This is how I justify to myself that I don’t cater to their simple palettes and can claim that everyone eats the same thing for dinner (let me live my lie, okay?).  

These “Unstuffed Mushrooms” by SkinnyTaste were super easy, tasted great, and will definitely be a repeat side.  We served with rotisserie chicken and steamed broccoli.   Next time I might even get crazy and throw in some Zucchini and squash.

I hope you found this helpful!  I have more recipe reviews coming soon! 

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