How To Make A DIY Enchanted Broom

How To Make A DIY Enchanted Broom

DIY Enchanted Broom

Hi, friends!  Another day, another Halloween project! I saw the Enchanted Broom *aka Broomba* last Halloween and found it to be the most adorable thing ever.  Immediately, I knew I had to make a DIY version next Halloween.  

Word on the street is that there is a version of an Enchanted Broom in the Cracker Barrel gift shop, but I haven’t seen it with my own two eyes.  I know there are a couple different versions on Amazon.  Even with these pre-made versions available, I still wanted to try my hand at a DIY version.  I mean, I wasn’t trying to use my Halloween budget on this thing, so I was determined to figure out a way to create it on the cheap.  

Now, a better blogger than me would have taken beautiful photographs every step of the way.  Alas, I am not a better blogger, so I did not.  I did snap a few photographs of the final product though! I get points for trying, right? 

Keep scrolling for the full tutorial! 

How To Make An Enchanted Broom

How To Make An Enchanted Broom


DIY Enchanted Broom
DIY Enchanted Broom


  1. Attach the Pringles can to your robot vaccuum using command strips.  Make sure it feels secure.  This is the step that caused me the most grief.  
  2. Insert stick into the Pringles can.  Use plastic bags or whatever you have o hand to help secure the stick in place.  You want the stick to stay put and not wobble around inside the Pringles can.  
  3. Once your base is secure (Pringles can & stick) its time to attach the grass skirt.  Tie one end of the grass skirt to the stick then begin wrapping it around the stick adn the can until you are pleased with the look.  I used 2 skirts tied together to get the fullness I was looking for. 
  4. Trim the grass skirt as needed to prevent it from getting sucked up in the vacuum.  


  • While your Enchanted Broom is assembled your robot vaccuum isn’t really usable.  It will get stuck on any furniture is normally is able to maneuver under. 
  • I shared a video on social media.  You can check it out HERE.

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