A Lively Recap Vol. 2

A Lively Recap Vol. 2

Happy Sunday! It has been another crazy week at the Lively house.  Fall fever, school adventures, and a screen time addiction were the hot topics of the week. 

Grant has officially been gone for 7 weeks and boy am I feeling it! I can hardly wait until we can visit him! 

Alas, this too shall pass (or so they say).  And so, we carry on!

Fall Fever

Fall is quite the temptress, isn’t she?  I tried to stay strong, really I did! However, ultimately the promise of cool breezes, the scent of apple cinnamon, and hooded sweatshirts won out. 

I started decorating my house for fall.  Maybe it’s a bit early (okay, it’s definitely a bit early), but I am all for doing what makes you happy, and seeing fall decorations make me happy! 

I’m definitly starting Fall Activities and Fall Craft Projects with the kids next week. 

Fall Fever
Fall Fever
Fall Fever
Fall Fever

Shop the Table

Table Runner: here

Napkin Rings: here

Candle: here

Pumpkin Name Card: here

First Week of School

We survived the first week of Kindergarten!

(Cue the parade)

Wyatt really stepped up to the challenge and did GREAT. He struggles with a little bit of anxiety, so I wasn’t sure how this was going to go. I can’t even begin to tell you how relieved I am that things went well.  

While this week was great, it wasn’t without it’s challenges.  I had to help him understand that school is an “everyday” thing now (and for the next 12+ years), I fell into and out of love with the whole lunchbox packing process, and, to top it all off, I found out Friday morning that he will be switching classrooms and teachers beginning next week.  Wonderful.  

Nonetheless, we made it (and even with a smile)! Now, onto next week when my littlest babe starts Preschool!! 

"No Screen Time"

I realized late Saturday morning that Wyatt had been watching his tablet since we got home Friday afternoon (oops).  Not my proudest parenting moment.  I also noticed that moods were a little more whiney than usual, so…I enacted a “no screen time” afternoon.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.

It was met with opposition, but that was to be expected.  Once they realized I wasn’t going to change my mind no matter how much they cried (and yelled) they started to play.  They spent most of the time building a blanket fort in the living room.  I think they used every single blanket, pillow, and stuffed animal in the house.  Oh well, at least they had fun. I think “no screen time” afternoons will become a regular occurence at our house.

My brother and I loved buiding forts when we were little.  If memory serves me correctly, it was one of the few times we weren’t arguing.  

blanket fort

Next Week...

Next week I look forward to (slightly) cooler temps outside, taking my Reese to her first day of preschool, and checking several things off of my “to-do” list.  

Fall Fever

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