5 Back To School Traditions Your Kids Will Love

5 Back To School Traditions Your Kids Will Love

Friday Five: Back To School Traditions
Your Kids WIll Love

Happy Friday! Another week down, which means we are that much closer to the first day of school!


It truly seems like just last week that I was picking Wyatt up from his last day of Kindergarten.  On his last day of school I had him complete an End-Of-Year Interview for his teacher, which was the start (I hope) of a fun little end-of-year tradition.  This got me thinking that it would be fun to create a few new back to school traditions too!

So, for this week’s Friday Five I am sharing five different back to school traditions that are simple, yet fun enough to make starting a new school year enjoyable and exciting!

Back To School Traditions

Back To School Traditions

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Bedtime Story

Bedtime stories have been a pretty consistent routine at our house.  So, if you are like us, what better way to ease first-day jitters and talk through any first day of school worries than by reading a book? There are several books about the first day of school, but The Night Before series and the Here I Come series come highly recommended.  

Back To School Breakfast

Start the school year off right by making a special breakfast before sending them on their way.  Perhaps a hot breakfast instead of the regular cold cereal, or maybe run and get fresh donuts and chocolate milk! If your kids are pancake fans, might I suggest these copycat buttermilk pancakes or my favorite banana blueberry pancakes!

If a new breakfast food isn’t an option, maybe just set-the-scene a little bit.  Make it feel a little more special even if they are eating the same old thing.  Use a tablecloth, set the table, and/or use a fresh flower centerpiece.  Get creative! 

First Day Photo

The first day of school photo has become a social media staple.   The original back-to-school/first day of school tradition, if you will.  I personally love seeing all the pictures on my newsfeed on that first day!  It will also serve as a fun keepsake when everyone is all grown up and has kids of their own.

You can get fancy with your photo or just snap a cute picture on the way to the bus stop.  

Special After School Snack

Think back to when you were a kid…was there anything better than coming home to a nice snack after school?  Warm chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, popsicles, etc. 

As a working mom, I’m not usually available after school to prepare or even give my child an after-school snack.  That usually falls on grandparents or daycare. However, on the first day of school, I try to take most of the day (or the entire day if possible) off of work so that I can be there to experience all the moments.  

First Day Interview

The first day of school is exciting, but can also be emotional…emotional for us parents, most likely.  In an effort to preserve the moment and create a precious keepsake, have your child complete an All About Me interview

I hope you found a few ideas you want to introduce to your first day of school routine!  Tell me which ones in the comment section, or share any others traditions that aren’t listed!  

I hope you and your kids have a great school year! 

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