I really, really, really wanted to like using a menstrual cup. Honestly, on paper, it is right up my alley. It has everything going for it:
- Eco-friendly
- Cost effective
- Reduces the potential for TSS
- Hip, cool, & trendy (this one is obviously the biggest reason it screams me!)
I first tried it in early 2019 for about 3 months. I feel as though I gave it a fair shake, I mean, I used it exclusively during that time (that is, until the incident).
So, if you are here to find out why I won’t be using a menstrual cup anymore, please keep reading…
*Side Note: I never thought I would ever use the word “menstrual” this much in a single blog post.
What is a Menstrual Cup?
For those of you who are new to the scene, a menstrual cup is a reusable feminine hygiene product. A few popular brands include Diva Cup, Lena, and Saalt.
In short, it is a reusable silicon cup that replaces pads or tampons. It holds your period rather than absorbing it.
*Side note: Why is being a woman so gross?
- Budget Friendly – There is an initial investment anywhere between $30-$40. However, once that initial investment has been made, there really is no additional cost.
- Can Be Worn 12 Hours – Once a menstrual cup is inserted it can be worn for up to 12 hours. No more making sure you have enough tampons to get through the day.
- Holds More – A menstrual cup holds more than pads or tampons, which is one of the reasons it can be worn for longer.
- Less Odor – When menstrual blood is exposed to air it can cause it to have an odor. Since the menstrual cup creates an airtight seal, odor is not an issue.
- Hard To Find The Correct Fit – Using a menstrual cup requires a lot of “self discovery,” if you will. You really have to be all up in your business to get it situated just right.
- Removal Can Be Messy -You are removing a cup of blood from inside you body, so keep in mind it can be messy and definitely takes practice.
- Cleaning – Since it is reusable, you have to be diligent about cleaning & sanitizing. A menstrual cup should be cleaned every time it is removed from the body.

Why I'll Never Use Another Menstrual Cup
What I am about to share is every menstrual cup user’s worst nightmare (and if it isn’t, it should be)…
I was at work (on my period, obviously) wearing a menstrual cup. This was probably the 3rd cycle I had used one, so I was feeling pretty confident about the whole situation.
I was sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I felt something strange down below. I quickly got up and made my way to the bathroom. To my horror, I found that my cup had leaked or moved or SOMETHING because…well, there was evidence. Now, I get it, stuff happens. That’s what I tell myself all the time. However, with these cups you can’t just stick it back in and go on about your day. First of all, let’s remember, I am in a public bathroom at my place of employment. Things might have turned out differently if I was in a single-user bathroom. This bathroom had several stalls and several sinks.
So, here I am in a public bathroom with a leaking menstrual cup. I know I have to remove the cup, but then what?
Wash it in the public bathroom sink where any of my co-workers could come in?
Attempt to stick it back in even though it’s all disgusting and hope that this time it creates a better seal?
Remove it and hope that I have a tampon in my desk drawer? If I remove it, then what do I do with it? I can’t just throw it away – it costs $30-$40 to replace these things!
Decision Time
I had to make a decision. Now, looking back, do I think I made the ‘right decision’? The jury is still out on that one.
I decided I wasn’t going to wash this thing in the sink of my place of employment. Getting caught by my co-workers washing my menstrual cup in the sink is just too weird, even for me. I notice the feminine hygiene bags next to the toilet paper dispenser…aha! This is what I will put my cup in, so that I can take it home. Gross? Yes, of course. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
I’ll spare you the details of how I got myself cleaned up and managed to work through the rest of the day…
However, I did spend the rest of the day with a used menstrual cup in a feminine hygiene bag in my purse. No thanks. Never again.
So, there you have it. This is the horrific incident that has scarred me for the rest of my life. Will I regret telling this story? Probably.
Other Fun Things Only Women Experience
I can already feel men all over the world rolling their eyes, but…it’s hard being a woman! Sure, we get to create life and experience the miracle of childbirth, but geez, it’s not like either of those things are a walk in the park!
If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, check out Advice For New Moms and Things to Know About Pregnancy for First Time Moms.
Let’s not forget a look inside a morning at our house (here). Sure to give you a little chuckle.
Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time,
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