I think we can all agree that we are spending a heck of a lot more time at home these days. Much to my surprise, I’m actually kind of enjoying it. I mean, I always knew I was a homebody, but I didn’t realize just how much of one I was until 2020 came around.
Anyway, odds are that you have worked through all (or most) of your regular games, activities, tv shows, movies, etc. I am always on the hunt for new, inexpensive things for my kids to do. Toys, craft projects, games, etc.
I should also mention that I am still working from home (which again, I don’t hate). Working from home with a 5 year old and a 3 year old is nearly impossible (ask my boss – HA!). I don’t know if it is just my kids, but they aren’t great at entertaining themselves. (Please tell me it isn’t just my kids)
Can Your Kids Entertain Themselves?
Do your kids entertain themselves? Can they? Do they? I’m not quite sure the correct way to ask the question.
I don’t remember my parents entertaining me 24/7. In fact, I remember leaving the house without even telling them where I was going or when I was going to come back. Now, to be fair, I was older when I did that…but, still!
I know it’s a learned skill to play by yourself, but dang! How in the world are they supposed to learn when they are hanging on me ALL THE TIME? Even if I ignore them!
It’s a double-edged sword, ya know? I want them to remember us playing together, and they will only do that if, in fact, we play together (ha!). All I’m asking for is an hour or two of quiet time…is that too much? Apparently so!
Okay, end pathetic mommy rant.
Why I Was On The Hunt
for Kid Toys Under $10
So, in an effort to trick/encourage my kids to play by themselves I went on a personal mission to find new things for them to do.
Sure, I encourage them play with their old toys, games, & puzzles. However, sometimes its just fun to get something new, especially when it doesn’t cost very much money.
I have compiled a list of toys that can be found on Amazon for under $10. Each of the toys listed are tried and true (at least for my 5 year old boy & 3 year old girl). These are kid toys under $10 that my kids play with regularly and occupy their attention for more than 5 minutes.

10 Kid Toys Under $10
Contains Afilliate Links
- Water Beads: I’ve talked about these before (here). My kids love water beads! *Warning: these do make a mess (in my opinion), but it is relatively easy to clean up.
- Bath Foam: Bath foam is always a hit! We spend a lot of time outside, which means regular bathing is required (or at least encouraged). Anything that entices them into the bathtub is a thumbs up in my book.
- Bath Slime: Bath slime has become a new fan favorite. As I mentioned above, I am an advocate for anything that gets them excited to be in the bathtub.
- Wipe Clean Books: There are so many diferent kinds of Wipe Clean Books. We have several and my kids will spend quite a bit of time working in them. They can be education (alphabet, numbers, etc.) or just fun (picture find). If you get a Wipe Clean book, then I also recommend picking up some extra dry-erase markers.
- Bubble Wand Set: Bubbles…enough said…am I right?
- Kinetic Sand: Kinetic sand is probably my kids favorite toy of the things on this list.
- UNO: UNO isn’t a game the will play together by themselves (yet), but its a fun family game so I thought I’d throw it in.
- Perfection: This is the only toy on this list that I am waiting to arrive. I have ordered it and I think my kids will love it.
- Create-A-Face Sticker Pad: Reese loves this sticker pad. She will work on it for almost 30 minutes at a time (which is saying A LOT).
- Ultimate Dinosaur Sticker Book: Wyatt got this sticker book for Christmas last year and him and Reese will play with it together. It’s sweet.
Until next time,
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