How To Make Family Movie Night Fun

How To Make Family Movie Night Fun

Hi, Friends!  As many of you already know, I love a good family movie night. It’s funny though because up until recently I didn’t really like to watch movies at all.  I would watch movies, but if given the choice between watching a movie or binging a television show I would pick tv all day everyday.  

However, in recent years something has changed.  I now love cozying up on the couch to watch a good movie!  Unfortunately, my kids aren’t always down for a movie night.  This was more of an issue when they were younger and equated watching a movie with sitting still and being bored.  So, in an effort to buy myself a few hours of couch time on a friday night, I figured out a way to make family movie night fun!  

Tons of build up, really special snacks, and themes.  I pulled out all the stops.  I needed everyone to understand that movie nights are the best nights.  And you know what?  It worked!  Family movie night is now a beloved activity around these parts! 

I am here to share my tips and tricks on how to make family movie night fun!  This isn’t only for parents desperate for a bit of couch time, although it definitely works for that.  This post is for anyone who wants to make family movie night an extra special experience!  


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How to make family movie night fun

How To Make Family Movie Night Fun

Okay, so you want to have a family movie night.  Great!  You want one of those movie nights feels more special than just a regular tuesday night, right? I got you! 

First of all, just setting time aside specifically to do something is what makes the night special.  It doesn’t have to be an elaborate movie night, it just has to be intentional.  Sounds cliche, but its the truth.  

I know, I know, you didn’t come here for me to tell you to cherish every moment.  Relax! I told you I had a few ways to make your next family movie night fun and I do!  

Before I get to my family movie night ideas I want to give you the biggest tip of all.  The best way to make your family movie night extra special, especially if you have young kids, is to simply tell them its special.  Sounds ridiculous, but it works.  If you tell everyone in your house that you are having a special family movie night on Saturday night, then that’s what it is, a special family movie night.  My kids eat that kind of stuff up!  

But, if you really want to up the ante, here are a few things to try… 

Clean Up

This one is more for me during our family movie nights, but I love love love to start with a clean(ish) house.  A picked up house before we start the festivities really helps me enjoy the evening and live in the moment.  Otherwise I’m just thinking about the mess or the dishes that need to be done or the pile of crap on the kitchen table.  

Now, I am not talking about a deep clean here.  All I want is the living room picked up, the kitchen counters cleaned off, maybe the bathroon wiped down a bit.  You know, just a few little things that give the illusion that you have your life together.  The kids won’t care at all about this step, but trust me, it makes all the difference! 

Pick A Theme

I have been and always will be a huge proponent of a theme.  Any theme.  It doesn’t matter what the theme is, I’m always here for it!  They make everything more fun! 

Pick a movie and base your theme on that OR you choose a theme and find a movie that fits.  

Here is a list of family movies to get you started! HERE

Set The Mood

Make sure the mood matches the vibe of the movie.  You can’t be watching a Halloween movie with all the lights on!  Set the tone with low lights (or no lights) and a few candles flickering.  

Low-light is always might preferred movie-watching light situation.  A lamp or two, a candle, maybe even a few twinkle lights if I’m feeling extra wild.      


A movie without snacks is pure insanity.  

Of course there are the classic movie snacks – popcorn, a box of candy, soda, etc. The classics will never steer you wrong.  

If you want to crank things upa  notch have your snacks match your movie! For example, watch The Grinch and serve all green and red snacks!  

One day we had a “P” theme.  I created a snack board with only foods that start with a P.  We also watched only movies that started with a P, wore our pajamas, and had paper chains as decoration.  


Sometimes the lead up is just as fun as the actual movie night.  Tell your kids on Monday that a fun movie night is scheduled for Friday.  Bring a few special treats home from the grocery store and tell everyone “don’t eat these, they are for movie night!”.  Honestly, sometimes the buildup is the best part. 

I love having something to look forward and a family movie night regularly fits that bill for me.  


Fun Ways To Build Anticipation

  • Calendar Countdown – Circle the date on the calendar so everyone knows something fun is happening on that day. 
  • Send Tickets – Make your own paper ticket out of construction paper admission ticket for the movie. 
  • Paper Chain – Make a paper chain early in the week and tear off a link daily.  Kids go nuts over paper chains. 

Add Something Special

Make your family movie night special by doing something that you normally don’t do or normally don’t allow.  Stay up late.  Eat on the couch.  Make ice cream sundaes.  

A few things we have done to make  our movie nights a little extra special are…

  • A pizza picnic on the living room floor.
  • Used an air mattress
  • Outside movie night 
  • Create a snack board
  • Make s’mores inside (using this HERE)

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