Today is all about the Halloween decorating tips. We are smack dab in the middle of spooky season, so in case you haven’t decorated yet, it’s time to get your house looking festive af.
Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year! It’s maybe a 3-way tie between Christmas and Spring. I realize I basically named 3 of the 4 seasons, but whatever.
One of the reasons I love it so much is because of all the decorations! Halloween decorations don’t have any rules. They don’t have to be respectful in the same way Christmas decorations do, you can really push the envelope. Also, they don’t have as much nostalgia or tradition behind them. It gives you a sense of freedom to really let your creative (& freak) flag fly!
Okay, now for the decorating tips..

Halloween Decorating Tips
Have A Vision
Here is a little secret – It doesn’t take much to make a big statement. Not only is this a Halloween decorating tip, but a decorating tip for any season or event. All it takes is vision. A few items can make a big impact, but only if they are well thought out.
Have an idea of what you want your space to look like before you get started.
For example, are you ever at Target or Hobby Lobby and just start throwing cute things in your cart thinking “I’ll find a place for this!”? Me too! (but, who doesn’t?) However, when I get home I can’t always make those items look as cute as they did in the store. Why? Because I didn’t have a plan! It is so frustrating, but I’m starting to get better about it and I am here to encourage you to do the same!
Planning out your space ahead of time will prevent you from being stuck with cute items that aren’t so cute in your home (a first world problem if I ever heard one).
Concentrate Your Decorations
Why do things sometimes look better in the store than in your home? It’s because stores have those items on display surrounded by other items that enhance it. The store has a vision. They create an entire mood on a single display. When you buy an item from that display, what you are really wanting is to buy the mood they have created.
Think about that when you are decorating your home. You can make a bold statement by concentrating your decorations in a few specific areas (the mantle, the entryway, the kitchen table) rather than placing decorations sporadically throughout your entire home.
Candles, Candles, Candles!
Everything is made better with the addition of candles. Everything. Candlelight has been said to have so many benefits (read more about it here), but in terms of decorating for Halloween, what could be more appropriate? The Sanderson sisters had a million candles in their house!
I even love the flickering flameless LED battery operated candles. You get the same feel, but more freedom to place in tighter spaces (you know, so you don’t catch your house on fire).
After Halloween Sales
A majority of our Halloween decor is the result of a post-season clearance table. The day or week after Halloween is the absolute best time to stock up on decorations you otherwise wouldn’t buy. Decorations are usually marked down 75%, 80%, or even 90%.
This is the only time having a vision isn’t necessary. For those prices, it’s okay to risk not being able to make it work.
Think Outside the Box
An item doesn’t have to be marked as a “Halloween Decoration” in the store in order for it to make a great Halloween decoration. Think outside the box. Open your mind to using items from other departments, re-purposing things you already have on hand, or using items you find in your yard.
DIY Halloween Decorations
Which brings me to my next Halloween decorating tip, DIY Halloween decorations! Pinterest is a great place for DIY inspiration. I almost always look to Pinterest before setting out on my mission. The goal isn’t to copy someone else’s design (although sometimes that happens), but more to spark creativity. That’s how I ended up with these jars filled with skulls, bugs, and snakes. I don’t remember exactly what I saw, but it gave me this vision and it has been one of my favorite Halloween decorations ever since.

My DIY Snake Wreath was inspired by a photograph I saw on Pinterest. It was a super simple project that carries a massive impact in my entryway. I love how this looks!

Decorate with Halloween Crafts
October is prime time for kid’s craft projects. If you have kids, I am sure you have a giant stack of Halloween-themed crafts sitting on your counter. Instead of leaving them in a pile, try displaying them in a way that they become a festive decoration. Put a few crafts in frames that you can then swap out for the next round of seasonal art OR use a cute string with clothes pins to display them across the wall.
Need a few craft ideas for your kiddos? Check out here, here, and here,
Fresh Pumpkins
Fresh seasonal elements are so lovely as decoration. Pumpkins, gourds, straw, flowers, etc.
Make things easy on yourself by killing two birds with one stone. Make a trip to your local pumpkin patch and have fun as a family doing all the fall activities they have, then on your way out stock up on decorations for your front porch.

Now Get To Decorating!
I hope you found these Halloween decorating tips to be useful! The most important thing, which I failed to mention earlier (insert face palm), is to have fun! Make your home a place you want to be. Fill it with decorations and things that make you smile.
I hope you have a wonderful and spooky Halloween season!!
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