How To Play “Pass The Trash” [Card Game]

How To Play “Pass The Trash” [Card Game]

What is "Pass The Trash"?

The game “Pass the Trash” is one of those games that takes me straight back to my childhood, playing games in my grandparent’s kitchen with all my cousins, aunts, and uncles.  We were always playing games around that kitchen table when I was growing up.  So many fun memories! 

Pass the trash is a great game to play with a bunch of people, especially of varying ages and abilities.  It’s one of those games that doesn’t require a lot of concentration.  Players can be snacking, chit-chatting, and having a good time all while playing the game.   Also perfect for younger kids who tend to have short attention spans! 

The concept of Pass theTrash is simple – don’t be stuck with the lowest card at the end of the round!  Sounds easy, right?  That’s because it is! Your family will have so much fun playing this game! 

How To Play "Pass The Trash"?

Materials Required To Play:

  • 1 deck of playing cards
  • Poker chips/coins/pieces of candy/etc.  Enough for each player to have 3. 


The player with the lowest card at the end of the round loses.  If a player loses 3 times they are out of the game.  Last player left in the game wins.  

Game Play:

  1.  Each player starts with 3 chips. 

2.  The dealer deals 1 card to each player.   

3.  Play begins with the person left of the dealer and continues clockwise. 

4.  Player looks at his/her card and decides whether to pass or keep it.   If the player decides to pass, he/she passes to the player on the left.  ** If any player has a King, the King card must be flipped face-up and cannot be passed with.  

5.  Next player looks at his/her card and decides whether to keep or pass.

6.  Gameplay continues until it reaches the dealer.  Dealer may “pass” with the deck by taking the next card from the top of the deck since there are no other players to pass with. 

7.  Everyone turns over their card to reveal who has the lowest card. 

8.  Player with the lowest card loses a chip. 

Things To Note:

  • When a player plays a King that blocks the player to the right from passing.  They are stuck with whatever card they have.  
  • You don’t have to have the highest card, you just don’t want to be the lowest. 
  • If more than one player ties with the lowest card of the round, all players lose a chip. 

More Games To Play

Like I said earlier, we love games!  Other fun card games are Up Down and 31.  I’ve got the directions for Up Down here. Directions for 31 are here.  

Don’t forget about Go Fish!

If you are looking for more game ideas, check out these board games for preschoolers and these family games!  

How To Play Pass The Trash

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Kathy

    I am a little confused. If I am to the left of the dealer and don’t want my card and decide to pass it, where do I get my new card from? If I am on the right of the person who has a king I can’t pass a card so what happens to the card that was passed to me? If I am on the left of the person with a king where do I get a replacement card if I want to pass.
    The game seems great for my family as we have all ages but like I said I am confused on some of the mechanics of the game. I’d love some clarification so we can play this Christmas.

    1. Julie

      Hi Kathy! Sorry about the confusion! If you are left of the dealer you go first. You have the option to pass with the person on your left OR keep your card. If you pass with the person on your left you get their card and they get your card. Its a trade. Now it’s their turn to go. They have the option to trade with the person to their left or keep the card they currently have. Does that help?

    2. Lyndzi

      Yes! I had all the same questions. I want to play this game, but I am also wondering about some of those clarifications.

      1. Julie

        Hi Lyndzi! What do you have questions about? I’d love to clear it all up for you!

  2. Theresa

    Can husband sit next to wife during play that game ?

    1. Julie

      As long as you both behave?

  3. Denise

    My family plays this game but we call it Cheat Your Neighbor. I like your name better!

    1. Julie

      Oh that’s interesting! I’ve never heard it called that before!

  4. Meridee

    So when do you expose your king? If I have a king and the person to my right wants to trade with me, do I at that point show my king?

    1. Julie

      Hi! Sorry this is so delayed, but you show your King at any time. You can do it as soon as you get it, but it makes for a better show to wait until the person next to you wants to trade and you say “Sorry, can’t!” then show them your King.

  5. Angie

    Can the dealer pass card to the person on their left, or only exchange card with the deck if they don’t want card felt to them?

    1. Julie

      The dealer can only trade with the deck.

  6. Norman

    does the dealer deal the whole deck then pass the deal or do you have a new dealer each card?

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