Our Favorite Bedtime Stories (November 2019)

Our Favorite Bedtime Stories (November 2019)

Hi, Friends! 

Last month I talked about my favorite place to find books, which is yard sales/rummage sales/neighborhood sales! Seriously, sellers practically give away books at these things! 

This month, the focus is on another book gold mine!  A place more cold-weather friendly, as yard sales tend to be more of a summer activity.  Okay, drum roll… TJ Maxx and Marshall’s!  As if these stores didn’t already have enough going for them, I mean who can resist their home decor aisles?  In fact, after Target, these stores are next up on my “favorite stores” list.  

I LOVE browsing the children’s books at TJ Maxx and Marshall’s.  They have a GREAT selection and they are almost always highly discounted.  I once got 10 books for under $20 – INSANITY!  I will say, the book selection here is probably most appropriate for preschool aged children, but that works out perfect for me because I have preschool aged children.  

I realize I sound like I need to be committed, but I can’t help it!  I love new books! You Are Welcome!  


November Favorite Bedtime Stories

Here are Wyatt & Reese’s favorite bedtime stories this month =)

I’d love to hear your favorite places to pick up new books, as well as the books your family is loving.  I mean, I am a book-addict always looking to score my next book-fix =)

Happy reading!! 


Until next time! 


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