Hey guys! Today I want to share a fun new car activity that teaches kids how to give directions and also teaches them their left from their right. This car activity has been such a hit that my two kids have requested it every single day this week.
I don’t know about you, but my kids are really great at bugging each other in the car (not all of the time, but definitely some of the time). One day I was desperate for them to stop pestering each other, so I said “Hey Reese, which way am I supposed to turn? Left, Right, or straight?” She was so excited to know the answer (or even be asked the question)!
From that point on, we had a wonderful rest of the trip home.
This activity is super easy, keeps my kids from arguing/whining/pestering, helps teach them their left from their right, and ultimately teaches them how to give directions.
Why It's Important to
Learn How to Give Directions.
Knowing how to give directions is a learned skill, one that I have barely learned. Let me tell you a little story…
When Grant and I first started dating I was in college. He was planning to visit, so I gave him directions to drive from Evansville to Bloomington. Keep in mind, I drove this route ALL OF THE TIME.
About 2 hours after he left and still hadn’t arrived I gave him a call…turns out I gave him directions that got him to Louisville and not Bloomington (This was before everyone had an iPhone). He wasn’t pleased, but he drove another 1.5 hours to see me =)
Needless to say, being able to give directions is important.
I almost feel guilty making this an entire blog post because it is so simple…
Are you ready?
Teach kids How To Give Directions:
Our Fun Car Ride Activity
Let me preface this with my kids are currently 5 and 3 years old.
Each morningI drive my kids to dayare/school/grandparents and pick them up again each afternoon.
What I started doing is anytime I stop my vehicle (stop sign, stop light, etc.) I ask one of the kids: “Okay, which way do I turn? Left (point left), right (point right), or straight (point straight ahead)?”
Then, whoever I asked tries to tell me the correct way to go.
I don’t know why, but they love it! They are getting so much better at distinguishing their left from their right in just the short amount of time we have been doing this.
Adjust For Any Age
Since my kids are young, learning left from right is a good first step. However, a form of this could also work for older kids too.
Adjustments could include:
- Stop giving options each time. They have to say left, right, or straight on their own.
- Intruduce street names.
- Create alternate ways to get to the same places.

For more “traveling with kids” related tips check out Adventures in Traveling with Kids.