Hi, friends! I’ve only got a quick post for you today. Tomorrow we leave for a family vacation and I can hardly contain my excitement! We are meeting my brother, sister-in-law, neice, and my mom there. I can hardly wait to have my toes in the sand!
We decided to drive instead of fly. It’s a 9.5 hour trip, so I have been hyper focused on kid-friendly, car-friendly activities to keep my people entertained. It’s been a few years since we have taken a road trip for this many hours, so I have no clue how its going to go.
Anyway, the whole reason for this post is because on my quest for road trip activities I came up with this idea of making a reusable hangman printable. I thought it would be a fun activity that could be easily passed from the front seat to the back seat. Once I got the Hangman gameboard done I asked myself, why stop with Hangman? I went ahead and created a few more printable road trip activities, such as Tic Tac Toe, Dots & Lines, and a new game called Lasso. I’m not sure if Lasso is new to the world, but it is new to me and I’m excited to play!
I think the printables turned out super cute (pats self on back). I really think we are going to get a lot of use out of them over the next week. If you want to grab a copy for yourself, keep on reading!
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Printable Road Trip Activities
As I said earlier, we are keeping this post short and sweet. Enter your email address and your first name in the spaces below to have the printable road trip activities sent straight to your inbox.
What you’ll get: Hangman, Tic Tac Toe, Dots & Boxes, and Lasso.
Reusable?? Tell Me How!
There are a few different ways to make these printable road trip activities reusable.
- Lamination. Have them laminated professionally at an office print shop or DIY it at home with self-adhesive lamination sheets.
- Pouch. Dry-Erase Pocket Sleeves are great for these kinds of things. They keep your papers organized as well. You can print and store all 4 of these printable road trip activities in the same sleeve. Just put whichever game you want to play on top.
- Plastic Bag. This is one option you may not have heard of before. Place the printable inside a gallon-sized zip-top bag. Use rubbing alcohol to remove any logo or print on the plastic bag. Voila. You have a homemade protective sleeve. It’s like a homemade dry-erase pocket sleeve.
- Print More. Honestly, you can always just print more copies. Not the most environmentally friendly option, but an option nonetheless.
More Road Trip Fun
While we are here talking about road trips, be sure to check out these vacation-related posts: